Si es usted un inversionista en ultramar, interesado en ser titular de una Tarjeta Verde y eventual ciudadano de EE.UU., a través del programa EB-5, y no está considerando Puerto Rico, piense otra vez: Usted puede estar perdiendo una oportunidad única para maximizar su inversión.

Iconic Caribbean puede ayudarlo a obtener su visa EB-5 y a maximizar sus beneficios ayudándolo a conseguir beneficios contributivos únicos de Puerto Rico, junto a las ventajas de ser jurisdicción de EE.UU.


As a Commonwealth of the U.S., Puerto Rico enjoys fiscal autonomy, which means that it can offer very attractive tax incentives not available on the mainland U.S. with the advantages of being in a U.S. environment.

Your investment is as safe in Puerto Rico as it would be anywhere else in the United States .

¿Por qué debo considerar una Visa EB-5?
¿Por qué debo considerar una Visa EB-5?
Bridge Building: Like Puerto Rico itself, we believe we are uniquely positioned geographically, culturally, and through our historic experience to serve as a vibrant two-way bridge between the US and the rest of the world.
¿Cuál es la ventaja de obtener una Visa EB-5 a través del Centro Regional de Puerto Rico?
¿Cuál es la ventaja de obtener una Visa EB-5 a través del Centro Regional de Puerto Rico?
Win-Win: We are inspired by a mission that helps foreign investors and their families start a new life in the United States and its territories, while simultaneously creating many sustainable jobs in all of Puerto Rico.
Por qué Iconic Caribbean?
Por qué Iconic Caribbean?
Diligence: Whether in terms of the projects we choose to sponsor, our monitoring of your investment, or our support of your visa application process with requisite data and other information, we commit to being there.

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